3D Proteome Mini kits

Our 3D Proteome Mini kits enable easy, convenient and fast sample prep for either standard proteomic or protein conformational analysis of up to 10 samples at a time. Containing all necessary reagents to prepare live cells, cell pellets, lysates or tissue, samples can be processed in approx. 2 hours. With a range of 500 ng to 50 µg of input protein the mini kit is ready for anything- from analyzing the conformational changes of a protein complex to mapping the architectural landscape of a whole proteome or simply a convenient way to get your protein digest faster.


Mini spin sample prep kit for proteomics

Kit Contents & Storage

  • 10 mini spin columns and collection tubes
  • Lysis buffer
  • Wash buffers
  • Reduction and alkylation reagents
  • Digestion buffer compatible with different proteases

Store alkylation reagent at -20˚C. 




Mini spin sample prep kit for 3D conformation

Kit Contents & Storage

  • 10 mini spin columns and collection tubes
  • Labeling reagents 1-4 and labeling buffers
  • Wash buffers
  • Reduction and alkylation reagents
  • Digestion buffer compatible with different proteases

Store alkylation and labeling reagents 2 & 4  at -20˚C.